
Investing in your well-being

At Onilife, we offer opportunities to engage, enjoy, express, learn, and grow each day. At every community, our dedicated activities team develops an extensive calendar tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Ensures that you maintain a sense of identity that brings meaning to your life

You’ll feel safe and secure, free to experience your full range of emotion

Offers options for exercise, nutritious food, and collaborative clinical approaches


Here are some of the Onilife exclusive programs you’ll find at our senior living communities.


To help you stay physically fit, our B-Fit exercise program encompasses the latest research and guidelines to give you a fun, stimulating and social exercise experience.

The ageless spirit

Your spiritual experience matters to us. That is why we created The Ageless Spirit, an award-winning program designed to express simple but powerful practices

My life story

Your unique story has made you who you are today. Through our storytelling program, My Life Story, you can share your unique perspective and valuable wisdom

Brain fit

Fitness isn’t only for your body it’s critical for your mind too. Our program is a holistic approach that provides education on how you can live a brain healthy

Rewiring aging

We are rewiring aging to help you stay connected to those you love and to the world through our technology solutions.

Optimum life health talks

In these opportunities for life long learning, you’ll benefit from the expertise of our nurses and therapists to learn about health and wellness

A better quality of life

Onilife is about choice the choice to decide your level of engagement within the community. As part of our new resident orientation, we’ll create your unique profile utilizing tools like our Lifestyle Questionnaire to guarantee programming based on your personal goals.

Whether you love swimming, woodworking, 5K walking, or just want to dance at your granddaughter’s wedding, Onilife designs high-quality activities to help you get there.