
Introduction to NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a ground-breaking initiative by the Australian government designed to support Australians with a permanent and significant disability. The NDIS provides them with the necessary support to improve their skills, independence, and social and economic participation.


  • Individualised Plans
  • Lifetime Support
  • Choice and Control
  • Capacity Building
  • Social and Economic Participation
  • Funding Certainty
  • Holistic Approach
  • Support Coordination

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Benefits of the NDIS

  1. Individualised Plans: Tailors support to the unique needs of each person, ensuring flexible and appropriate services and resources.
  2. Each participant receives a customised plan that addresses their specific needs, aspirations, and objectives, allowing for a more targeted and effective approach to support.

  3. Lifetime Support: Provides ongoing support from childhood through to adulthood, adapting to changing needs over time.
  4. The NDIS’s commitment to providing lifelong support ensures that as a participant’s needs evolve over time, the services they receive can also be adjusted to reflect these changes.

  5. Choice and Control: Empowers individuals by allowing them to choose the services and providers that best meet their needs.
  6. Participants have the autonomy to make decisions about their own care, including the ability to select their service providers and manage their funding, leading to greater satisfaction and outcomes.

  7. Capacity Building: Focuses on building skills and independence, enabling participants to achieve their goals and participate more fully in life.
  8. By focusing on enhancing skills and independence, the NDIS helps individuals achieve personal goals, whether they’re related to education, work, or daily activities, fostering long-term personal growth.

  9. Social and Economic Participation: Encourages and supports participation in community, social, and economic activities, enhancing inclusivity and engagement.
  10. This benefit is about breaking down barriers to participation in work, social events, and community activities, thereby promoting a more inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to contribute.

  11. Funding Certainty: Offers peace of mind with long-term and sustainable funding for necessary supports and services.
  12. Knowing that support is funded over the long term removes financial uncertainty and allows for better planning and stability in the lives of individuals with disabilities.

  13. Holistic Approach: Considers all aspects of an individual’s life, including health, education, and employment, ensuring comprehensive support.
  14. By considering all facets of life and how they interconnect, the NDIS ensures that supports are comprehensive, addressing the full range of an individual’s needs.

  15. Support Coordination: Helps individuals navigate the NDIS and connect with various services and supports, simplifying the process and enhancing outcomes.
  16. This aspect of the NDIS helps to alleviate the stress and confusion of managing multiple services by providing expert assistance in planning and coordination, making the system easier to navigate.

FAQs about the NDIS

Eligibility is based on age, residency status, and the nature and permanency of the disability. Generally, Australian residents under the age of 65 with a permanent and significant disability may qualify.
You can apply by contacting the NDIS directly, visiting their website, or reaching out to an NDIS Local Area Coordinator in your region.
The NDIS funds supports and services that relate to a person’s disability and are required for them to live an ordinary life. This includes education, employment, social participation, independence, living arrangements, and health and well-being.
No, NDIS funding is intended to cover costs that are directly related to a person’s disability and not everyday expenses such as rent, groceries, or utility bills.
An NDIS plan is developed in partnership with the participant, focusing on their goals, needs, and aspirations. It outlines the supports funded by the NDIS and other supports the person requires.