
How does the NDIS planning process works

Recognizing your current resources To prepare for your planning meeting, consider your current supports, who provides them, and what additional supports and services you may require to achieve your goals. Preparing for your planning meeting Booklet 2 – Planning is recommended…

Who can help you with your plan

Early Childhood Partners Children under the age of seven who have an NDIS-funded plan will work with an early childhood partner. A child’s disability or developmental delay is no barrier to working with early childhood partners. Based on best practise…

What exactly does it mean by NDIS registered or NDIS Unregistered Providers

You may discover that some service providers identify to themselves as “NDIS registered,” while others do not, when you are in the process of locating the correct service providers for you. It is common for people to have a misunderstanding…

What is NDIS Assistive Technology ?

What is the purpose of NDIS assistive devices? For persons with disabilities, NDIS assistive technology can be a game changer, allowing them to undertake jobs they would otherwise be unable to do. Assistive technology under the NDIS is defined as…

Way of Using your NDIS Core Supports

Did you realise that the money you allocate to Core Supports gives you the most flexibility? If your NDIS plan includes Core Supports, you have a lot of flexibility in how you can utilise the money you have been given.…

What is Individualised Living Options ( ILO)

What is ILO ? ILO stands for Individual Living Options and is a set of supports that gives you the freedom to select where and how you live based on what works best for you. Funding from the ILO is…

Using NDIS Funds to Purchase Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE, such as masks and gloves, is one of the most useful tools in the fight against the spread of COVID-19. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has made it possible to purchase personal protective equipment…

NDIS participants and providers vaccination guide

Some of you may be feeling anxious and uncertain about what to do in light of the government’s encouragement for us all to get vaccinated against the disease. If you’re thinking about getting vaccinated, but aren’t sure whether or not…

NDIA Review Process

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has just recently begun scrutinising the supports that individuals use to ensure that they are adequate and appropriate for their circumstances. Why should we care about this? If the NDIA determines that a support…

How therapy services are funded under the NDIS

The majority of NDIS plans include therapy as an option for receiving support. However, it can be difficult to understand how the NDIS actually finances the various kinds of therapies. In this article, we will examine some of the different…